Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015

TexasET Network Landscape Watering Recommendations 1/2"- "Cougar Austin Redbud"

Finally starting to cool off. All week, no higher than the 90s, ground temperatures will start to fall and we should see the warm season grasses come out of their  "heat dormancy" Warm season grasses tend to go heat dormant when the ground/root zone temperatures are in the 83-86 degree Fahrenheit range. Mid September, Oct, November are the months to regrow the bare spots and achieve full ground cover before winter.  If your turf is looking OK , then 1/2" of water should keep it vibrant, if you need to fill in some areas, adding some compost and closer to 1" of water ( maybe hand watering or hose end sprinkling an area) will be needed to encourage runners...COugar Matt out.

Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Watering recommendation for "Cougar Austin Redbud" for the past 7 days:0.41 inches*
DateEToMax TemperatureMin TemperatureMin HumidityTotal Rainfall
NOTE: These reported values are hourly averages, not absolute highs and lows.
*Recommendations based on the following parameters (assuming no rainfall):
Adjust this watering recommendation for any rainfall that you have received during this time period.
TexasET Weather Station :Austin (LCRA Redbud)
Plant Coefficient :Warm Season
Adjustment factor :Normal
This information is provided by the "Irrigation Technology Program" under the direction of Dr. Guy Fipps. If you would like to discontinue service please click on the link above to log into your TexasET profile. To discontinue service for only this station select "modify" from your site list and delete the site. To discontinue all TexasET emails select "Modify your user profile" and uncheck "Receive watering recommendations by email".
This email was sent to by Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension 600 John Kimbrough BLVD, Suite 509 7101 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-7101

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Central Texas Grounds Maintenance Workshop

Posting for Dapne....Cougar Matt out.


I’m Daphne Richards, the County Extension Agent for Horticulture with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Travis County. I wanted to invite you and any of your colleagues/maintenance crew, etc. to an upcoming Grounds Maintenance Workshop that I’m hosting on October 23, 2015.

This conference is in response to our ongoing critical water issues.  The general public can attend but the materials presented will be for turf professionals such as those working with municipalities, including parks departments; golf courses; and large and commercial landscape maintenance firms.

The goal of the workshop is to share best practices for water conservation and turfgrass management.  The cost is only $60 through 10/13 ($75 thereafter, including on-site), lunch is included, and Three Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) pesticide CEUs are available to attendees.

I’d love to see you there! And I’d also be very grateful if you’d help me get the word out by forwarding this message to anyone you think might be interested, or by posting the following information on your websites/blogs/newsletters, etc.  Registration information, a list of speakers, location, and time for the workshop may be found below and attached.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at all. or 512.854.9615

Central Texas Grounds Maintenance Workshop

When:  Friday, October 23, 2015, 8:30 Registration,  9 am - 4 pm Program
Where: Travis County East Service Center, 6011 Blue Bluff Rd, Austin, 78724
Cost:     $60 (through 10/13), $75 (10/14 and on-site), BBQ lunch is included
CEUs:    3 Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) Pesticide CEUs
Contact:    Daphne Richards, CEA-Horticulture,, 512.854.9615 

Presentations and speakers will be:

·        Irrigation Practices, Soil Management and LCRA Rebates/Resources
Brett Briant, Water Conservation Coordinator, LCRA
·        Pesticides and Personal Protective Equipment
Daphne Richards Travis County Extension Agent – Horticulture
·        Turfgrass Selection & New Cultivar ReleasesMatt Elmore, Assistant Professor & Extension Turfgrass Specialist
·        Turfgrass Management (Insects, Weeds & Diseases)
Dr. Casey Reynolds, Assistant Professor & Extension Turfgrass Specialist

On-line Registration Coming Soon:
 (by phone at 979-845-2604)

Sign up for the blog:

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Water 1/2" this week

With high humidity and lower 90s temperatures, we are still only watering about 1/2" this week.  Remember, this is a conservative maintenance of existing lawn number. It you are trying to get the lawn to fill in some areas or thicken up, you more need more water.  If there are spots that need a little help, come the weekend, remember, Sat ( ODD) and Sun (EVEN ) is a hose dragger day, so you can spot water some dry spots with a small puck sprinker or a fan sprinkler. Although, hose end sprinklers are not the most efficient, they often will us less water than running an entire sprinkler zone if 5-50% of an area is only needing water. Also, rememeber, hand watering is allowed at any time, so if there are specific plants that are struggling, hand watering a new tree or specific plant, may be the best option. Thanks, Cougar Matt out.

Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Watering recommendation for "Cougar Austin Redbud" for the past 7 days:0.54 inches*
DateEToMax TemperatureMin TemperatureMin HumidityTotal Rainfall
NOTE: These reported values are hourly averages, not absolute highs and lows.
*Recommendations based on the following parameters (assuming no rainfall):
Adjust this watering recommendation for any rainfall that you have received during this time period.
TexasET Weather Station :Austin (LCRA Redbud)
Plant Coefficient :Warm Season
Adjustment factor :Normal
This information is provided by the "Irrigation Technology Program" under the direction of Dr. Guy Fipps. If you would like to discontinue service please click on the link above to log into your TexasET profile. To discontinue service for only this station select "modify" from your site list and delete the site. To discontinue all TexasET emails select "Modify your user profile" and uncheck "Receive watering recommendations by email".
This email was sent to by Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension 600 John Kimbrough BLVD, Suite 509 7101 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-7101

Thursday, June 18, 2015

WCID #17 is back on 2 days a week watering for May 1 – September 30

TURN IRRIGATION OFF this week, and next week until rains stop.

ETo for this time of year is running about normal at 1.2" over 7 days, which is corresponding to 3/4" water required for High quality turf ( sports fields ) or 1/2" of water required for residential lawns.  With the 6" of rain we received, I would say it is a safe bet to TURN IRRIGATION OFF.  Leave it off least until next week, see if we get more rain mid week.

Realistically, the biggest risk to plants right now with all the heacy clay in the area is root rot and plants drowning, not getting enough time between rains to allow the roots to dry-out and bring oxygen into the root zone.

I have seen more MOSS in Austin this year than in any of the past 20 years indicating the ground is highly saturated and runoff is apparent in even these brief 1/2" rains.

We really need 5 to 7 DRY days with no rain before we need to turn the irrigation back ON. 

HAPPY MOWING ( between the rain storms ) 

Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Watering recommendation for "Cougar Austin Redbud" for the past 7 days:0.43 inches*
DateEToMax TemperatureMin TemperatureMin HumidityTotal Rainfall
NOTE: These reported values are hourly averages, not absolute highs and lows.
*Recommendations based on the following parameters (assuming no rainfall):
Adjust this watering recommendation for any rainfall that you have received during this time period.
TexasET Weather Station :Austin (LCRA Redbud)
Plant Coefficient :Warm Season
Adjustment factor :Normal
This information is provided by the "Irrigation Technology Program" under the direction of Dr. Guy Fipps. If you would like to discontinue service please click on the link above to log into your TexasET profile. To discontinue service for only this station select "modify" from your site list and delete the site. To discontinue all TexasET emails select "Modify your user profile" and uncheck "Receive watering recommendations by email".
This email was sent to by Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension 600 John Kimbrough BLVD, Suite 509 7101 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-7101

Thursday, May 21, 2015


If if wasn't already obvious. not watering this week, this month of May even. Wait till grass or plants show signs of stress and turn you irrigation back on, probably, June 1st-ish

Hand water any new planting, let the soil dry out. 

I have seen more moss and crazy fungus growing all around town. With the wet an cool weather , we need a few sun days for the grown to dry out and stop the spread of these fungi and molds.

Have a good Memorial Dat weekend, stay warm and dry.

Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Watering recommendation for "Cougar Austin Redbud" for the past 7 days:0.34 inches*
DateEToMax TemperatureMin TemperatureMin HumidityTotal Rainfall
NOTE: These reported values are hourly averages, not absolute highs and lows.
*Recommendations based on the following parameters (assuming no rainfall):
Adjust this watering recommendation for any rainfall that you have received during this time period.
TexasET Weather Station :Austin (LCRA Redbud)
Plant Coefficient :Warm Season
Adjustment factor :Normal
This information is provided by the "Irrigation Technology Program" under the direction of Dr. Guy Fipps. If you would like to discontinue service please click on the link above to log into your TexasET profile. To discontinue service for only this station select "modify" from your site list and delete the site. To discontinue all TexasET emails select "Modify your user profile" and uncheck "Receive watering recommendations by email".
This email was sent to by Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension 600 John Kimbrough BLVD, Suite 509 7101 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-7101

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

No need to water this week.3-5 inches of rain last night OY!

Serious rain last night, the Lake Travis basin only 1-2" of rain, but Central Austin took the brunt of it.

Storms clouds had been taunting us all day  with brief burst around 1pm and 5:30pm, but no accumulations, just trace amounts.

At 8:45pm, the kids are in bed and asleep and the "thunderstorms", have finally hit central texas.

Here are some of the recent numbers from my favorite tracking sites.

These are rain totals in the first substantial hour since the ran started around 7:45pm tonight

Lake Austin at Cortana Shores 1.5 inches
Lake Austin at Quinlan Park 1.7 inches
Bull Creek at Loop 360, Austin 1.25 inches

Remember, these are 1 hour rainfall totals and it is just starting to rain harder around 8:45 pm

Storm is taking a break, the totals as of 10 pm

Lake Austin at Cortana Shores 3.44 inches ( 3" in 2 hours )
Lake Austin at Quinlan Park 2.57 inches ( 2.5" in 2 hours )
Bull Creek at Loop 360, Austin 3.47 ( 3.2" in 2 hours ) 
Lake Austin at Bunny Run Farm 3.71 inches ( 3" in 2 hours ) 

Wave # 2 just started at 10:10 pm 

Overall totals this morning

Lake Austin at Cortana Shores 4.44 inches ( 3" in 2 hours )
Lake Austin at Quinlan Park 3.21 inches ( 2.5" in 2 hours )
Bull Creek at Loop 360, Austin 4.45 inchs ( 3.2" in 2 hours ) 
LCRA Redbud Center 3.95 inches
Mansfield Dam 1 ENE 3.46 inches

And the winner in central Austin area is

Lake Austin at Bunny Run Farm 4.82 inches ( 3" in 2 hours )

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Why is my lawn so bare in April? 5 reasons

If your lawn is still having ares that are not doing so great, it s probably not water related as we have had anywhere from 14" to over 20" of rain in the first 4 months of the year, depending on what part of central Austin , TX area you live.

here are 5 reasons we commonly see

1, Wear and Tear during Winter dormancy for warm season grass. Dogs will tear up a lawn during Dec,Jan,Feb,Mar while the grass is dormant. So will kids and various other animals and critters. Best solution is to overseed with something during the winter months. Most common is to overseed with annual or perennial rye grass, but I like to plant clovers since they affix nitrogen to the soil and provide nectar for local bees and provide some visual interest.

2. Insect Damage - Grub worms being the # 1 cause. If you see "ant mounds" in your yard after a rain or night animals ( racoons or possums )  dig holes in your lawn , it is because of white grubs or mole crickets. These small mounds,  if you brush them away you will see a "small stick or pinky sized" hole in the ground. If you were to get a watering can and slowly water this hole, you may get lucky enough to see a cricket jump out ( kids thing this is magic, even big kids like me.)  Theest organic solution is beneficial nematode or milky spore disease treatment. There are quick fix treatments available at big box stores, but I don't recommend quick fixes, I recommend using nature and good strong soil microbiology for long term solutions to grubs and pests.
Grub Worm Control
To learn more   Or this wensite

3. Fungal Damage - #1 cause of our issues in this cooler weather. Brown Patch and Take All Root Rot (TAAR ) are rampant in shady areas and gets spread like wild fire when mow and blow crews scalp lawns in hte early spring after period of moist weather and high humidity. Also our high clay content soils do not let the ground dry out so this fugus tends to spread easily. I have seen lawns essentially disappear in less than 1 month in the early spring. Using high nitrogen fertilizers to early in the season will also stress the grass and exasperate the problem by accelerating the decline.

The best remedy  I have seen is the Natural Gardner process. We have successfully implemented this process on several lawns

The Natural Gardner has also a good chart on lawn problems.

This video on YouTube is a great visual explanation. Granted this is in Florida, but we in Texas have almost identical spring time weather, high humidity and high moisture.

4. Low nitrogen levels present in soil.  I like to think about grass coming out of dormancy the same way a black bear needs to put on weight or a squireel needs to store nuts for he winter. Grass needs a "winterizer" dose of nitrogen to store to make it through the winter and green up. Most people think the SPring is the most important time to fertilize, but in reality the fall application ( Late Oct, around Halloween ) is the most important. I like to apply a organic fertilizer ( 8-10 lbs of Nitrogen , first @ on the bag ) on the "Holiday schedule"  Easter, Memorial Day , 4th of July ( optional, if over 100 degrees, skip this application, Labor Day, Halloween. I think smaller doses or organic fertilizer and slower organic release of nutrients will benefit the lawn long term versus any quick high nitrogen applications.

5. Mow low and go, blow, etc. For some reason "people", this could be the lawn service crew or the homeowner, think that to get a grass started and going after winter,  it is best to SCALP the lawn and get more sun to the soil to warm it up and  bring the grass out of dormancy. Yes, more sunlight will hit he ground and raise the soils temperature and bring the remaining grass out of dormancy, but it also opens up a huge amount of real estate for weeds to take hold and out compete the grass.  The other issue is every 2 week mowing schedule takes off too much of the blade of grass ( more than 1/3 ) and forces the grass to  "go vertical" to replace its solar collection and generate more sugars.  If you take off 1/3 grass blade, the grass will run lateral and become denser. Her is the most uber dorky article I could find to explain the 1/3 mowing rule, inmore detail than I could explain.

My best suggestions for trouble areas, compost and compost tea. If there is an area that is struggling, add some compost,  top dressing and apply a compost tea. This is the most natural way to encourage the grass to grow into the area and retain moisture. Although we are technically not in a drought in Austin for the past 2 years this is a great program and a good cultural practive, so I encourage anyone able to participate in this program.

Cougar Matt out.

p.s  I leave you with this video

Thursday, April 30, 2015

TexasET Network Landscape Watering Recommendations - "Cougar Austin Redbud"

Last Saturday (4/25),  84 degrees a 10:30am and we knew we were in for a hot one. Rebdud says it was 92 degress, but my smart controller said 93 in the shade. Quite an auspicious end to the month of April. Nice to see some nights in the 50s and cooler weather as least for the next few days.

So, with all the rain from the last 2 weeks, your controllers should be OFF , unless you have some new plantings or new sod. I would hand water or manually run the stations on your controller that need some extra water. Otherwise I would be saving those gallons for the months of June, July , August. Enjoy the cool weather.

Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Watering recommendation for "Cougar Austin Redbud" for the past 7 days:0.40 inches*
DateEToMax TemperatureMin TemperatureMin HumidityTotal Rainfall
NOTE: These reported values are hourly averages, not absolute highs and lows.
*Recommendations based on the following parameters (assuming no rainfall):
Adjust this watering recommendation for any rainfall that you have received during this time period.
TexasET Weather Station :Austin (LCRA Redbud)
Plant Coefficient :Warm Season
Adjustment factor :Normal
This information is provided by the "Irrigation Technology Program" under the direction of Dr. Guy Fipps. If you would like to discontinue service please click on the link above to log into your TexasET profile. To discontinue service for only this station select "modify" from your site list and delete the site. To discontinue all TexasET emails select "Modify your user profile" and uncheck "Receive watering recommendations by email".
This email was sent to by Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension 600 John Kimbrough BLVD, Suite 509 7101 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-7101

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Cold front coming through tonight, don't be fooled by the fog and 70 degree temperatures this afternoon, we are gonna be in the 20's with freezing rain tomorrow morning, Thursday, and possible freeze again on Friday morning. Hopefully this is our last freeze for the season ( average last freeze is Feb 23rd for Austin, TX ) 
PROTECT THOSE PIPES, PLANTS, and PETS ( wind chill will be in the TEENS ( 17 F wind chills predicted.)

NO need to water this week, keep those irrigation systems OFF as long as possible. It is predicted that we will have a cooler and drier than normal Spring and with the lakes at 36% full, the longer we can hold off on watering the better for our water supply.

Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Watering recommendation for "CougarCare Central Austin" for the past 7 days:0.10 inches*
DateEToMax TemperatureMin TemperatureMin HumidityTotal Rainfall
NOTE: These reported values are hourly averages, not absolute highs and lows.
*Recommendations based on the following parameters (assuming no rainfall):
Adjust this watering recommendation for any rainfall that you have received during this time period.
An error has been detected in the weather data used to report this recommendation.
TexasET Weather Station :Austin (Morris Williams)
Plant Coefficient :Warm Season
Adjustment factor :Normal
This information is provided by the "Irrigation Technology Program" under the direction of Dr. Guy Fipps. If you would like to discontinue service please click on the link above to log into your TexasET profile. To discontinue service for only this station select "modify" from your site list and delete the site. To discontinue all TexasET emails select "Modify your user profile" and uncheck "Receive watering recommendations by email".
This email was sent to by Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension 600 John Kimbrough BLVD, Suite 509 7101 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-7101

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Drought Survival Tools for Your Yard Rebate Pilot Program

Super pysched the City of Austin decided to continue this great program for 2015 - if you received the rebate last year, please note this is ONE TIME PER PROPERTY ADDRESS.

We have a core aerator and a compost spreader so we can provided these services if you need help.

Drought Survival Tools for Your Yard Rebate Pilot Program

Thursday, February 12, 2015

1/4" or NO WATERING - TexasET Network Landscape Watering Recommendations - "Cougar Austin Redbud"

Watering  this week is recommended @  1/4" if you have sandy or silty soils ( or rocky ), otherwise for clay soils I would hold off another week, we are potentially going to get some rain next Monday/Tuesday and letting the soils  dry out is actually better for heavy clay soils this time of year. 

It's starting to look a lot like Spring this past week, with some new shoots popping up. Flowing quince is starting pop out which is always the first indicator of spring,

but I would not get too excited as it looks like one last freeze/wintery mix coming through next Tuesday. It seems like almost every year, we get a late February freezing icy storm that kills all the early "pre-spring" plant growth. Hopefully this is the last one of the season.

Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Watering recommendation for "Cougar Austin Redbud" for the past 7 days:0.25 inches*
DateEToMax TemperatureMin TemperatureMin HumidityTotal Rainfall
NOTE: These reported values are hourly averages, not absolute highs and lows.
*Recommendations based on the following parameters (assuming no rainfall):
Adjust this watering recommendation for any rainfall that you have received during this time period.
TexasET Weather Station :Austin (LCRA Redbud)
Plant Coefficient :Warm Season
Adjustment factor :Normal
This information is provided by the "Irrigation Technology Program" under the direction of Dr. Guy Fipps. If you would like to discontinue service please click on the link above to log into your TexasET profile. To discontinue service for only this station select "modify" from your site list and delete the site. To discontinue all TexasET emails select "Modify your user profile" and uncheck "Receive watering recommendations by email".
This email was sent to by Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension 600 John Kimbrough BLVD, Suite 509 7101 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-7101